Thursday, January 23, 2014

It's Cold Out There

I can't believe we are already through the Holidays and heading towards Spring.  This is the time when Love is in the air as we approach Valentine's Day.  Over the years I've experienced a definite increase in the amount of requests for Wedding Package information right after the romantic St. Valentine's Day.  If you are one of the Special Couples that get engaged this February may I make one suggestion?  Don't wait to start booking your event.  Most venues, caterers and of course Photographers get extremely busy this time of year.  Request information from your vendors and actually begin the process of selecting dates for your big day.  Believe me, they book up fast.  

If you decide you want Engagement photos taken book the date quickly.  In February and March the grass will start greening up again and the trees are in bloom.  This is a great time for outstanding photographic opportunities to make your engagement session Bloom.  It also is fairly mild and not too hot to spend a couple of hours outside.  This is true whether you are having engagement photos taken or family portraits.  Book now for upcoming Spring dates.  

Think Spring!  

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